Welcome To BYS Wellness

Led by a Korean chemist and engineer with an extensive background in Eastern herbology, bys wellness is a brand which offers specialized formulas that utilize ancient Korean remedies to solve modern dilemmas. Our goal is to supply today’s consumers with herbal solutions which lend to the potencies of traditional antidotes, age-old cures and timeworn treatments. We aim to provide the finest products available for the convenience of occasional boozers and casual bar patrons who crave a good time without the next day fallout.

Tak Yoo - CEO Founder

Tak Yoo  - CEO Founder

Formulated for social drinkers, weekend warriors and big shot businesspersons who host clients to promote sales, Before You Start is a hangover prevention supplement which naturally stops the aftereffects of booze before they start. Inspired by the hospitality of Korean salespersons, our hangover pill is to be consumed prior to wining and dining clientele, hosting buyers or entertaining associates with food and drink. No needs to take a day off when you plan ahead with before you start.

Made out of herbs and enhanced with organic extracts sourced from medicinal plants, our unique blend replenishes the body with the essential nutrients it needs to block headaches, repel fatigue and prevent nausea. Formulated to thwart dehydration, gently boost stamina and nourish the liver, the proprietary powder supports fast morning after recovery to catapult a quick rebound following a night of drinking. Nip hangovers in the bud before they begin to take hold. Prep for benders with before you start.

Sean James - COO

Health & Fitness

Health & fitness are two of the cornerstones of my lifestyle. Discipline and consistency are both key factors in maintaining that lifestyle. Part of that discipline is knowing that if you want to get up in the morning to get your workout done, you cannot be out drinking the night before. As a businessman, that discipline is always being tested as so much of my business is done through networking over drinks at night during the week. So naturally, when my colleague and good friend, introduced me to Tak Yoo and to his company, BYS, I was intrigued.

The BYS products are game changers for me because they prevent those hangovers from happening in the first place. They contain natural ingredients that prevent hangovers simply by taking the product before you begin drinking. As an entrepreneur and a former NFL athlete still heavily rooted in the sports, health and wellness arenas of business, when I experienced first-hand how effective the BYS products were, the obvious next step for me was to pursue investing in BYS myself.

Sean James - COO